This website contains confidential information and is only intended for show partners and their agencies. If you are not a partner or agent of a partner of Save our Shelter, you should not disseminate, distribute, or copy this website.
Show Assets
As a partner, you have the opportunity to use the show assets and details in your cross promotional marketing as long as it is driving show tune in, website promotion and is approved by SOS and the network.
NOTE: The information below is overall show details for all partners. If you are not in all episodes, you can still use content from any episode at any time, once the episode has premiered(first airing). Once the episode has had its first airing, feel free to use assets from any episode, according to the Network Approval Guidelines (see link below).
For a rundown of all show details, clic here: SEASON 2 EPISODE DETAILS
For asset usage requirements, click here: Network Approval Guidelines
For asset usage approval, click here: Asset Approval Form.
For custom asset request or general inquiry, email or use the Asset Request Form
Full Watermarked Episodes
For internal use only, please do not distribute.
Show and Episode Opens
These are RAW behind the scenes photos and videos shot behind the scenes during production.
If you would like to share or utilize any of Rocky's Vlogs, please let us know by emailing us at
Want to create a custom vLog with Rocky for your social or digital platforms? Custom vLogs or other social and digital video assets can be created with the SOS creative and production team. Please provide us with any information on the form below and we will set up a call to further discuss.
Custom social and digital assets can be created using existing show logos, graphics, videos and photos and/or new assets can be created with the SOS team, Rocky and Rob. Please provide us with any information in this form and we will set up a call to further discuss.
WIP - Photos
WIP - Promo Videos
Press Release Template & Recent News Coverage
Custom photo assets can be created with the SOS creative and production team, Rocky and Rob. Please provide us with any information on the form below and we will set up a call to further discuss.