About    Our Craft    Case Studies    Our Partners   
Our Clients    Services    Let's Chat



Populus Brands is a first-of-its-kind branded entertainment and business development company rooted in storytelling across every platform. We synchronize the power of content by forging partnerships between content creators, sponsors, licensees, marketers, retailers, and venture capitalists.

We capture the audience like never before.

Chad Bennett
Founder & CEO

Chad Bennett has produced over 700 hours of network, cable and digital programming. He has launched more than 1,000 product SKUs and brand extensions, driving more than $1 billion in consumer spending. He has sold and executed hundreds of television and digital integrations driving millions in revenue and he has created marketing extensions that have delivered billions of impressions.


"We take pride in asking the right questions. We leap at the chance to explore unique ideas and innovative partnerships. We love to play connect the dots. We thrive when we can foster an environment of collaboration with experts in different yet complimentary industries. Most importantly, we strive for high impact marketing impressions, dynamic connectivity and immediate consumer spending driven by content and the emotionally connectivity of the audience.”

- Chad Bennett

Our Craft

We map a course utilizing our proven and paradigm shifting methodology that intersects entertainment and storytelling with consumer product marketing, development, manufacturing and innovation.

In the ever-changing landscape of media and every business sector, this highly dynamic and refined process builds new and exciting lifestyle brands like never before.

Ultimately, we drive revenue and retail sales for our clients.

Case Studies

We know that actions speak louder than words.
We know that trust is earned through a proven track record. 
We know that success today means always pushing the boundaries.

A few examples of our best practices across content platforms of every size that continue to remain ahead of the curve.

(click logos for additional information)

Our Partners

At Populus Brands, we view every client and company we work with as our partner and we strive to live and deliver upon the fundamentals of what that truly means. We work hard to build relationships that will last a lifetime regardless of whether you are a client or a partner with one of our clients.

Our clients include:

Creative, Media, and PR Agencies Publishers
Content Distributors and Syndicators
Production Companies and Studios
TV and Digital Networks
Brands and IP Holders


Entertainment and Content Marketing
Content Creation & Production
Licensing & Brand Extensions
New Business Development
Strategic Partnerships

Let's Chat

Give us a ring or shoot us a note. We can’t wait for new ideas to start flowing.


Phone: 323-682-8411